Saturday, March 22, 2025 (8:00 AM)
Celebrate the arrival of Spring with the Esopus Creek Conservancy and John Burroughs Natural History Society on a guided nature walk in a variety of ecologically rich habitats in the Town of Saugerties on Saturday, March 22, 2025. Depending on available time, conditions, and participant interest, we will visit The Great Vly Wildlife Management Area, Esopus Bend Nature Preserve, and/or Bristol Beach State Park on the Hudson River.
Pre-registration required; meeting location determined at time of registration. Participants should expect to use their own vehicle to drive to each location and have the option to stay for the duration or leave whenever necessary.
Bring binoculars, field guides, and spotting scopes if you have them, and be prepared for wet, muddy trails, and early spring weather conditions. Light rain often makes for excellent birding and nature observation, but heavy rain cancels the walk. Children are welcome and encouraged, please do not bring pets.
Contact the field trip leader, Steve Chorvas (schorvas@gmail.com) for additional information or to register. This joint ECC/JBNHS Environmental Education walk is free and open to the public, but pre-registration is required and group size will be limited.